Renewable energy is critical to achieving a climate-secure future for all.

A bold idea

ReNew2030 is a global coalition of experts, civil society, and philanthropic organizations working toward a first, fast, fair energy transition by mobilizing key actors across: government, business, and communities around the world.

Our goal for 2030 is to increase global wind and solar capacity x5 in the countries responsible for over 80% of the power sector emissions. This will improve energy security, create new jobs and deliver health, climate and economic benefits.

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The power sector must be the first to fully transition because it can: the technology to drive a rapid increase in wind and solar energy production already exist and the power sector enables electrification in other key sectors.


We have just seven years to accelerate the adoption of clean energy while displacing fossil energy in the power sector. Our actions on renewables this decade will determine our ability to stick to the 1.5°C warming threshold.


The transition must be equitable, leaving no person or place behind. We must ensure the transition protects affected communities in all target geographies and we must close the historical funding gap between the Global North and the Global South.

Drive Electric Campaign and ReNew2030 join forces

New partnership centers on the role of electrification and critical raw materials to scale a climate-secure and just energy transition in transport and energy

Read the full press release here

Watch Executive Director, Rebecca Collyer, in conversation with TED’s David Biello, as she discusses the need to drastically scale wind and solar capacity in the 30 highest-emitting countries and a swift and equitable shift to renewable energy.

Our Approach

We build partnerships with organizations in renewables financing, energy transition equity and corporate mobilization. We prioritize community action from organizations including youth groups, faith-based communities, and trade unions. Together, we deploy a set of strategic levers, responding to local contexts and opportunities.

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Meet our partners

The ReNew2030 coalition is a network of regional climate foundations and transnational organizations that fund and coordinate a diverse group of implementation partners across the globe.

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