Our goal is to accelerate the scaling of wind and solar power over the next 5 years

Our ApproachBarriersLevers


Taking on the challenge of transforming the global power sector demands a coalition approach, supported by an internationally coordinated strategy and deep local expertise. Together, we deploy a set of strategic levers, responding to local contexts and opportunities.


Insufficient government ambition and action

National and multilateral targets and plans are not ambitious enough, lack detail and omit considerations of equity and justice.

Not enough investment

To stay below 1.5°C clean energy investments must reach trillions annually by 2030, and markets will only get us part of the way there.

Slow public acceptance and permitting

Permitting delays are slowing the transition and insufficient consultation with communities creates public opposition and project delays.

Misinformation about renewable energy

Cutting edge information and communication about renewables is not accessible and widespread, myths on cost and reliability are still pervasive.

Sub-scale support for the workforce transition

Training for workers in the renewable energy space is critically needed, alongside re-skilling for those working in coal and gas industries.

The urgency and scale of this complex challenge demand a global effort

that addresses the system as a whole, through a range of strategies that move governments, businesses and society to action.

Anything less will not be enough.


In response to these barriers to adoption, ReNew2030 has defined seven levers to drive at national and trans-national level:

Government policy, advocacy and research

We combine “inside track” technical assistance for governments with “outside track” advocacy, often using our own data, analysis and research to advocate for more ambitious government commitments.

Strategic litigation

We file lawsuits to change policy, including to remove legal barriers for renewables and to delay or stop coal and gas projects.

Strategic diplomacy

We engage political leaders through diplomatic channels, coalition building, embassy engagement and other forms of international cooperation to influence government-to-government action.

Financial system mobilization

We advocate for innovative climate finance policies while pushing financial institutions and regulators away from fossil investments and into renewables. We do this through data sharing, risk analysis and by creating public and investor pressure.

Corporate sector mobilization

We push corporate leaders to demand clean energy by engaging them through trade associations, business forums and corporate lobbying, and provide analysis and technical assistance to help them set and achieve clean energy goals.

Grassroots organizing and campaigns

We mobilize local communities and people-powered movements, equipping them with the key arguments that help them win local discussions to create pressure to shift to clean energy.

Strategic narrative

We raise public awareness and support for renewables through investigative journalism, opinion articles and digital campaigns, creating a drumbeat of stories on the clean energy transition.